
Cryogenic Process Systems

Nikkiso Cosmodyne

Nikkiso Cosmodyne is a leading provider of cryogenic process plants including industrial gas plants and natural gas liquefiers, and incorporates turbo expanders along with LNG and Air Separation plants.

Cryogenic Process Systems

Nikkiso Cosmodyne is a leading provider of cryogenic process plants including industrial gas plants and natural gas liquefiers, and incorporates turbo expanders along with LNG and Air Separation plants.

Our natural g1024 planta noche - resized medas liquefiers range in size from 5,000 to 500,000 gallons per day and can be scaled to meet a client’s specific requirements.

Our industrial gas plants include an extensive range of air separation plants, nitrogen liquefiers and nitrogen gas plants which range in size from 4 to 300 metric tons per day.

Nikkiso Cosmodyne natural gas liquefiers serve various energy markets including alternative fuels for rail, trucks and marine and peak shaving applications. Our air separation plants serve the commercial industrial gas and oil field exploration businesses.